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New for 2025


As the wedding videography world evolves, so does Flat 4D Media with our new '28 Hours Later' Content Creation Package.


Filmed on an iPhone but still adopting a colour grading process between filming and delivery allows the clips to retain the look and feel of my wedding films.


Over 150 clips and a short reel will be sent to you within 28 hours of your wedding day.


Aberdeenshire Wedding Content Creation the Flat 4D Media Way!




28 Hours Later.jpg

what's included?

- Coverage from morning preparations through to 9.30pm


- Professionally filmed vertically on iPhone; perfect for sharing on social media


- 1 minute reel and over 150 clips​​


- Delivered within 28 hours of the end of your wedding day

early bird offer - £500

- Must be within a 25 mile radius of Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire

say hello

Thanks - I will email you back as soon as possible. I reply to every email so be sure to check your SPAM folder if a reply doesn't come through :-)

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