Venue Marcliffe
Sheila Lawtie
Photographer Aboyne Photographics
Hairdresser Paula Robertson
Make-Up Artist Natalie Fearnley
Flowers Jordana Events
Decoration Jordana Events
Drinks Reception Tipple in a TukTuk
Dress Suzanne Neville
Kilt Georgian Kilt Hire
Band Corra Day Time Music
Ginny & The Tonic
Cake Cakes my Kirsty
When my wedding videography takes me into Aberdeen, it's always a pleasure to wind up at The Marcliffe Hotel. Rachel and Darren treated me to one of those epic days which started off sweet and sentimental until descending into absolute chaos thanks to the epicness of the Red Hot Chilli Pipers. These two were perfectly described by their celebrant Sheila Lawtie as 'Couthie' which was the perfect title for their Novella Film.